Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting-Sensitive Discipline® (VIPP-SD) Meets HHS Criteria

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2023

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Child development and school readiness

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Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting - (VIPP-SD)
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Emotional Availability (EA) Scales: Child involvement

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

1 month after last home visit/telephone call

VIPP-SD vs. comparison, Portugal, full sample

43 mother/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 4.85 Unadjusted mean = 4.27 Mean difference = 0.58 HomVEE calculated = 0.64

Statistically significant, p= <.05

HomVEE calculated effect size from the difference-in-differences estimate

Emotional Availability (EA) Scales: Child responsiveness

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

1 month after last home visit/telephone call

VIPP-SD vs. comparison, Portugal, full sample

43 mother/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 5.19 Unadjusted mean = 4.55 Mean difference = 0.64 HomVEE calculated = 0.76

Statistically significant, p= <.05

HomVEE calculated effect size from the difference-in-differences estimate

Emotional Availability (EA) Scales: Positive child behavior

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

1 month after last home visit/telephone call

VIPP-SD vs. comparison, Portugal, full sample

43 mother/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 5.02 Unadjusted mean = 4.41 Mean difference = 0.61 HomVEE calculated = 0.72

Statistically significant, p= <.05

HomVEE calculated effect size from the difference-in-differences estimate

Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting - (VIPP-SD)
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Preschool Parental Account of Childhood Symptoms (PPACS): Total behavior problems score

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

5-month follow-up

VIPP-SD vs. usual care, England 2015-2018, full sample

286 children Adjusted mean = 28.21 Adjusted mean = 30.30 Mean difference = -2.09 HomVEE calculated = -0.22

Statistically significant, p <0.05

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Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP) British Autism Study of Infant Siblings - (iBASIS-VIPP)
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant affect

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

5 months

iBASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, United Kingdom, 2011-2012

53 families Unadjusted mean = 4.85 Unadjusted mean = 4.84 Mean difference = 0.01 Study reported = 0.19

Not statistically significant, p= >0.05

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant attentiveness

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

5 months

iBASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, United Kingdom, 2011-2012

53 families Unadjusted mean = 4.22 Unadjusted mean = 4.19 Mean difference = 0.31 Study reported = 0.29

Not statistically significant, p= >.05

Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP) British Autism Study of Infant Siblings - (iBASIS-VIPP)
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant attentiveness

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

12 months after baseline

BASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, Australia, 2016-2018

84 parent/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 4.60 Unadjusted mean = 4.19 Mean difference = 0.41 HomVEE calculated = 0.34

Not statistically significant, p = 0.12

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant attentiveness

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

24 months after baseline

BASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, Australia, 2016-2018

80 parent/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 5.02 Unadjusted mean = 5.15 Mean difference = -0.13 HomVEE calculated = -0.11

Not statistically significant, p = 0.61

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant attentiveness

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

Treatment end point (6 months after baseline)

BASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, Australia, 2016-2018

94 parent/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 4.43 Unadjusted mean = 4.70 Mean difference = -0.27 HomVEE calculated = -0.24

Not statistically significant, p = 0.24

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant positive affect

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

12 months after baseline

BASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, Australia, 2016-2018

84 parent/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 3.18 Unadjusted mean = 3.21 Mean difference = -0.03 HomVEE calculated = -0.02

Not statistically significant, p = 0.94

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant positive affect

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

24 months after baseline

BASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, Australia, 2016-2018

80 parent/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 4.02 Unadjusted mean = 4.28 Mean difference = -0.26 HomVEE calculated = -0.13

Not statistically significant, p = 0.56

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI): Infant positive affect

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

Treatment end point (6 months after baseline)

BASIS-VIPP vs. usual care RCT, Australia, 2016-2018

94 parent/child dyads Unadjusted mean = 3.69 Unadjusted mean = 4.40 Mean difference = -0.71 HomVEE calculated = -0.49

Statistically significant, p = 0.02

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Video-Feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting - VIPP-AUTI
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Early Social and Communication Scales (ESCS) - Initiating Joint Attention (IJA)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

3-month follow-up

VIPP-AUTI vs. usual care, 2015, the Netherlands, full sample

72 children Unadjusted mean = 33.42 Unadjusted mean = 34.41 Mean difference = -0.99 HomVEE calculated = 0.29

Not statistically significant, p = 0.22

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Early Social and Communication Scales (ESCS) - Initiating Joint Attention (IJA)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

Immediate post-intervention

VIPP-AUTI vs. usual care, 2015, the Netherlands, full sample

72 children Unadjusted mean = 33.79 Unadjusted mean = 36.09 Mean difference = -2.30 HomVEE calculated = 0.09

Not statistically significant, p = 0.71

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Early Social and Communication Scales (ESCS) - Responding to Joint Attention (RJA)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

3-month follow-up

VIPP-AUTI vs. usual care, 2015, the Netherlands, full sample

72 children Unadjusted mean = 51.68 Unadjusted mean = 52.94 Mean difference = -1.26 HomVEE calculated = 0.07

Not statistically significant, p = 0.77

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Early Social and Communication Scales (ESCS) - Responding to Joint Attention (RJA)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

Immediate post-intervention

VIPP-AUTI vs. usual care, 2015, the Netherlands, full sample

72 children Unadjusted mean = 48.63 Unadjusted mean = 54.06 Mean difference = -5.43 HomVEE calculated = -0.19

Not statistically significant, p = 0.43

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Emotional Availability Scales (EAS): Child Involvement

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

Immediate post-intervention

VIPP-AUTI vs. usual care, 2015, the Netherlands, full sample

76 children Unadjusted mean = 5.02 Unadjusted mean = 4.99 Mean difference = 0.03 HomVEE calculated = 0.09

Not statistically significant, p= 0.78

Emotional Availability Scales (EAS): Child Responsiveness

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

Immediate post-intervention

VIPP-AUTI vs. usual care, 2015, the Netherlands, full sample

76 children Unadjusted mean = 5.25 Unadjusted mean = 5.19 Mean difference = 0.06 HomVEE calculated = 0.08

Not statistically significant, p= 0.83

Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP)
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Children's attachment security

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

13 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

81 infants Not reported Not reported Not reported Study reported = 0.10

Not statistically significant, p = 0.67

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Authors' reported effect size is Cohen's d

Children's attachment security: Secure attachment

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

13 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

81 infants Unadjusted proportion = 0.67 Unadjusted proportion = 0.56 Mean difference = 0.11 Study reported = 0.22

Not statistically significant, p= 0.17

Authors' reported effect size is Cohen's d

Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP)
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Attachment Q-Sort (AQS): Security score

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Not reported Not reported Not reported Study reported = 0.05

Not statistically significant, p = 0.83

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Authors' reported effect size is Cohen's d

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Aggressive (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.10 Unadjusted proportion = 0.12 Mean difference = -0.02 HomVEE calculated = -0.11

Not statistically significant, p = 0.81

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Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Anxious (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.16 Unadjusted proportion = 0.04 Mean difference = 0.12 HomVEE calculated = 0.93

Not statistically significant, p = 0.16

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Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Externalizing (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.24 Unadjusted proportion = 0.35 Mean difference = -0.11 HomVEE calculated = -0.33

Not statistically significant, p = 0.31

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Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Internalizing (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.31 Unadjusted proportion = 0.46 Mean difference = -0.15 HomVEE calculated = -0.38

Not statistically significant, p = 0.21

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Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Oppositional (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.12 Unadjusted proportion = 0.08 Mean difference = 0.04 HomVEE calculated = 0.28

Not statistically significant, p = 0.58

Submitted by user on

Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Overactive (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.08 Unadjusted proportion = 0.08 Mean difference = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.01

Not statistically significant, p = 0.98

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Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Sleep problems (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.08 Unadjusted proportion = 0.08 Mean difference = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.01

Not statistically significant, p = 0.98

Submitted by user on

Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Total problems (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.24 Unadjusted proportion = 0.42 Mean difference = -0.19 HomVEE calculated = -0.53

Statistically significant, p= 0.04

Submitted by user on

Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Withdrawn/depressed (proportion of children in clinical range)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

40 months old

VIPP vs. comparison, Netherlands, full sample

77 children Unadjusted proportion = 0.10 Unadjusted proportion = 0.15 Mean difference = -0.06 HomVEE calculated = -0.31

Not statistically significant, p = 0.48

Submitted by user on

Negative effect is favorable to the intervention.

Submitted by nwu on

Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.

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